Anxiety can take a significant toll on one’s mental health and at times, even physical health. Physical health wear-out can be seen more evidently in those who have breast cancer, and many of such anxieties can sway and be aggravated by treatment, so it is even more crucial to keep the tension at bay. Not only with COVID-19 restrictions around, managing the stress can be exhausting. Hence, to make this period easier, here are some tips for managing anxiety.
1. Being quarantined can heighten stress and worsen anxiety, hence reaching out to family members or friends can help relieve some stress and ease the situation. Speaking about your anxiety is one of the best and the most fool-proof methods of coping with apprehension. For the ones suffering from Breast Cancer, anxieties can vary from individual to individual. In such situations, it is even more crucial to talk to someone and unload. Talking to someone who is going through the same situation or has been in your shoes in the past can really support the breast cancer patients emotionally and they can reach out to each other during difficult times like this and hence, the feeling of loneliness goes away. Hence, with its own Peer Support group, CANFEM wants to achieve the same and support breast cancer patients in all ways possible.

2. A major trigger for anxiety is the concept of indoors. Stepping outside the house for a walk or maybe even just for feeling the air, can be a significant de-stressor. Practising Mindfulness and Staying Active can pave the way to a more solaced life. During the treatment of Breast Cancer(For eg:mastectomy or chemotherapy), it is necessary to remember the fact that staying fit and practising mindfulness can act as a significant recharge to emotional resources and as well as overall health.

3. While staying at home and losing track of time is typical, losing the trail of thought is also accustomed. Journaling your thoughts can help in keeping track of mood and anxiety. It also aids in analysing external factors that cause the most stress. For the Patients of Breast Cancer, tracking thoughts and journaling their story can come handy for coping with stress.

4. Just as important is staying fit, eating a balanced and a healthy diet is equally important. As the quotation goes “You are what you eat”, is very relevant in maintaining a strong body. A healthy diet includes a fair amount and balance between the intake of proteins, vitamins and minerals. For the ones suffering from Breast Cancer, a healthy diet and regular practice of yoga aids for a faster recovery and a more effective treatment.

5. Lastly, in case the symptoms worsen over time, Seeking professional help is the best way to address the issue. The same applies to individuals with breast cancer as well. Keeping track of the treatment and its impacts can help the concerned individual approach the situation correctly.

By performing, these methods, anxiety and stress would gradually decrease over time. However, it is no rule to just stick to these methods of coping; finding your stress-buster, willpower and a positive attitude can help relieve anxiety to the maximum.