Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Care

Physiotherapy and CancerRehabilitation

60 Mins | Starting from ₹499

Our experts, with 10+ years of experience in oncology related physiotherapy, specialize in rehabilitation with and post Surgery, Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy. Our specialized services include management of Post Operative Shoulder Pain and Prevention & Management of Lymphedema. Overcome cancer related fatigue, cognitive impairment and neuropathy.

Emotional Healing

Mental-Wellbeing Therapywith Psycho-Oncologist

30 mins | ₹699

With years of experience in working with cancer patients and survivors, our qualified oncologists, specialised in oncology, will ensure emotional and mental wellbeing of the patient, survivor and caregivers. One on one Mental Well-Being therapy sessions will help in managing the mental and emotional distresses of the patient and caregivers.

Mental-Wellbeing Therapywith Psycho-Oncologist

1 Hour  | ₹1,199

With years of experience in working with cancer patients and survivors, our qualified oncologists, specialized in oncology, will ensure emotional and mental wellbeing of the patient, survivor and caregivers. One on one Mental Well-Being therapy sessions will help in managing the mental and emotional distresses of the patient and caregivers.

Diet and Nutrition Support

Personalized CancerNutrition- Trial Pack (1Week)

30 mins | ₹ 999

With years of experience in working with cancer patients and survivors, our qualified nutritionists will provide you a customized diet plan as per your need. The trial pack includes one-to-one with our Onco- Clinical- Nutritionist, along with customized diet plan for 7 days

Personalized CancerNutrition- 30 days

2 Hour | ₹2,999

With years of experience in working with cancer patients and survivors, our qualified nutritionists will provide you a customized diet plan as per your need. The 30 days pack includes 4 one-to-one with our Onco- Clinical- Nutritionist, along with customized diet plan for 30 days.

Online Fitting Consultancy

20 mins | Free

We will help you choose breast prosthesis and bra that will fit you the best. Talk to our consultants now over video call now !